About book All The Blue-Eyed Angels, Book 1 Of The Erin Solomon Mysteries (2012)
Jen Blood's All the Blue Eyed Angels is exactly what you'd want in a first entry in a mystery series. The more the protagonist, Erin Solomon digs into the fire that destroyed the Payson church and her childhood, the more questions come to light, which pulls the reader along, especially when Blood does such a nice job of having people run off, get interrupted or turn evasive just when it seems like we're about to get some answers. The novel was enjoyably fast paced. What is it with detective fiction torturing the sleuths by making them run on caffeine and air? It seems like investigators don't get to sleep until they fall down, which does allow a lot to happen in a very short time. I'm looking forward to the next book and wondering just how many Blood is planning to write in this series. All the Blue-Eyed Angels by Jen Blood2 starsGood book. Started slowly, she kept going back over & over the same background info and plot points so it was a little tedious. Okay, the island was deserted and spooky, you have a dog and a tragic past; got it, now tell me the story without revisiting those points over and over. Once the author got comfortable with her characters & locations, she moved the plot right along. It was told in first person which made sense but she switches to a different character's point of view to go over yet again the mysterious island and the tragic fire. I would have liked less of that and more of the family story and interaction between the characters. They weren't fleshed out too well so more depth to them would have helped understand their actions a little better. Also, several choices made by Erin didn't make sense if she was an investigative journalist. I kept wondering why she didn't just make a call or go talk to someone instead of all the nail biting and indecision. I 'get it'-this is romantic fiction with a mystery twist but it turned out to be not very romantic nor very mysterious. Blood tried to walk that thin line between dropping enough clues to keep the reader interested and giving the whole thing away-she succeeded at keeping me in the dark so much that I didn't really care by the end who had done it or even much of why they did it. But, I will say the last two chapters of the book were a lot tighter and I was intrigued enough by the clue crumbs about Erin's father that I will read the next in the series. Also spotted a minor error that bugged me to the point I stopped reading and looked it up for myself! The entire sentence could have been left out-it had no relevance to the story and only served to make me wonder what else the author tried to slip past me.
Do You like book All The Blue-Eyed Angels, Book 1 Of The Erin Solomon Mysteries (2012)?
Didn't like the ending, so got 2nd book and hope it gives all the answers....
My gods, it has been a long, long time since in read a thriller like this.
Awesome characters, great storyline, excellent twists..must read!
Awesome! Can't wait for Sins of the Father on kindle!