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All Standing: The True Story Of Hunger, Rebellion, And Survival Aboard The Jeanie Johnston (2013)

All Standing: The True Story of Hunger, Rebellion, and Survival Aboard the Jeanie Johnston (2013)

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1451610130 (ISBN13: 9781451610130)
Free Press

About book All Standing: The True Story Of Hunger, Rebellion, And Survival Aboard The Jeanie Johnston (2013)

All Standing is the story of The Jeannie Johnston, an Irish famine ship that made 11 voyages across the Atlantic without losing a life. Author Miles intertwines the story of an immigrant born on the maiden voyage of the ship, but spends most of her time chronicling the politics, famine, crew, and conditions aboard the ship with citations to support the facts. Well written with sparse sentences that say only exactly what she intends. And, at 226 pages, it is very readable. A history of the Irish potato famine and how politics and money trumped wisdom in handling a national disaster. The Irish population fled the country when their crops failed and the government pronounced starving citizens "free loaders" that they just couldn't afford to help. Sound familiar? Cholera plagued the ships that plied the Atlantic Ocean bringing the immigrants to Canada where cholera continued to take its toll on people worn down by poverty, ill-health and hopelessness. One ship had a perfect record of bringing all the immigrants on every crossing healthy and able to assimilate. The Jeanie Johnston had a compassionate captain, doctor, and crew. The doctor used best practices which the captain allowed and the crew and passengers followed. A breath of fresh air during a period of history that is bleak and lost to many.

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