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All In One Piece (2006)

All in One Piece (2006)

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3.43 of 5 Votes: 4
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0786145161 (ISBN13: 9780786145164)
blackstone audiobooks

About book All In One Piece (2006)

1.5 stars this could have been a lot better. I only wanted to read it because of the whole psychic thingie. I have never read anything about psychics before, but most of the time you don't understand the shit she's talking about. I mean maybe three years ago, I might have blamed my English skills, but I have read enough books to know that this author is incomprehensible. Seriously. It was written badly. Full of cliches. Needs way better work. But as a story, it wasn't bad. I was definitely surprised at the end. On the other hand, crime fiction should STOP for at least 20 years. Gosh, people, you exhausted the genre out.

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