About book All Good Things: From Paris To Tahiti: Life And Longing (2013)
I loved this book. I read her first and wanted to move to Paris. I read this and wanted to move to Tahiti and Sydney... Hang on! I love her writing style and how she shares the ups and downs. One particular emergency incident on the island was something I will never forget. Sarah describes exactly my feelings, emotions, guilt, anguish that I experienced. Moved me to tears. First time I feel like someone else got what I went through. Thank you Sarah. This book was mildly enjoyable but did not hold my interest throughout. Usually I enjoy memoirs--especially ones that take the writer to various parts of the globe. With All Good Things, though, I couldn't figure out what point Sarah Turnbull was trying to make. The historical information about and physical descriptions of Tahiti were interesting but dragged on a little too long. Her struggles with infertility were poignant, but it seemed like she was trying to hard to be existential in her descriptions of the emotional journey. All told, I didn't dislike the book so much as I just couldn't find much in it with which to engage.
Do You like book All Good Things: From Paris To Tahiti: Life And Longing (2013)?
Almost French was terrific. Unfortunately, this one was a dud.
An ok read. Not nearly as enjoyable as Almost French.