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Alexis Ou Le Traité Du Vain Combat / Le Coup De Grâce (1978)

Alexis ou le Traité du vain combat / Le Coup de grâce (1978)

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2070370410 (ISBN13: 9782070370412)

About book Alexis Ou Le Traité Du Vain Combat / Le Coup De Grâce (1978)

Alexis / Ya da Beyhude Mücadelenin Kitabı (*)Her kitapta çini mürekkebinde danseden, denizlere yürüyen bir ressamdan bahsedemezdi tabii ki(1). Aşık Sophie’nin(2) damarlarından bal aktığı anları da, imparatorun yerine kimseleri koyamadığı bir tenin içinde akan pınarlara hayranlığını anlatmayacaktı bu kez(3). Farklı yaşamlarda birbirinin tamamen aynısı iki olay olmadığı gibi aynı hayatın içinde bile olmadığından, kurguda bile aynılık seçmediğimizi varsayarak bu benzetmeleri yaptım ve onaylanma kaygısını da taşımıyorum.Ne dünyanın dört bir yanına yapılan gezileri, ne de yüzyıllar sonra Prusya’da dökülen kanlar olacaktı konu. Bu kez Eric acımasızlığından biraz Alexis'e, Wang-Fo’nun karısının sabrından biraz (kesinlikle hepsi değil) Monique’e verilmiş, tadı-tuzu eksik kalmış hissi verdirtecek kadar neşeden ya da aşktan yoksun bir iç sıkıntısını ilk kişiden -haklı bir huzursuzluğu olduğuna hükmetmiş olan ama bencil olduğu yerlerde bencilliğini meşru saymayacak incelikleri olan birinden- dinleyecektik. O da kıyaslandığında eksiklik sanılabilecek farklılığının bilincinde olup zaten erken ayrıldığı için değil çok kaldığı için af dileyecekti çıkıp giderken. Aklımızı çelen her şey bir şekilde ölüm ya da hayat yüzünden ayrılacak yanımızdan. Buna katlanmak için ne erdemi (ki ona karşı duyulan büyük saygı ona karşı kendimizi savunmasız bıraktığımız gerçeğini de yanında getiriyor) ne de saflığı gereğinden fazla yüceltmeye gerek yok. En kendimiz olduğumuz yerdeki kabahatlerimiz gerçek saflığa daha yakındır. Kabalık etmeyi alışkanlık edinmişler ve tembellerin buradan kendilerini haklı bulma yanlışına düşmeyeceklerini umuyorum. Tivoli ziyaretimden sonra tam olarak tarafsız olamasam da şu cümleleri olduğu gibi buraya da taşımak istedim:“Kitapların aklımızı çeldiği doğru değildir; olayların da. Çünkü sadece bizim kandırılma saatimiz, her şeyin aklımız çelebileceği vakit geldiğinde yaparlar bunu. ““Başka birinde bizi heyecanlandıran şey, neticede ona hayat tarafından ödünç verilmiştir.”1)*

Divna priča o bolu i hrabrosti.Stara atmosfera srednje Evrope... Rastrzanost između prirode i društva... Ispovijest savjesne osobe iz puritanskog društva, protagoniste koji je postojao i u stvarnosti tog vremena.Muškarac, homoseksualc, piše 1927. godine svojoj supruzi pismo da se predaje... Opisuje joj svoje patnje i borbe godinama, svoja nastajanja da se uguši... Svoja osjećanja stida i krivice, sve svoje uzaludne pokušaje da iskorijeni "zabludjelost"... A sve to bez prenemaganja i samosažaljevanja, bez romantičarskog pretjerivanja, želeći da Monik razumijem sve onako kako jeste.On nije bio zanesen ženama. Uprkos svim mučnim pokušajima za njega je ljubav bila odvojena od zadovoljstva. Tijelo je imalo svoj odvojen život. A on ga je odbacivao, poricao, mrzio. Bez tijela, duša je bila u paklu.Ali prolazeći kroz sve agonije, on se mijenja, sazrijeva, i napušta sve da prigrli sebe i slobodu. Kada je prihvatio svoje tijelo, povratio je i izgubljenu dušu.***Tek sad primjećujem koliko zdravo-za-gotovo shvatamo svoju slobodu da kažemo istinu, da živimo istinu... Problem seksualne orijentacije je najvećim dijelom problem izražavanja i horor licemjernog života.***"Sreća nije došla, ili možda mi, Monik, nismo za nju bili sposobni.""Možda to i nisu svete ideje, ali su, na kraju, moje.""... pokazali su mi kakva razlika postoji između spoljnih konvencija i vlastitog morala. Ljudi ne kažu sve, ali pošto moraju, kao ja, da se naviknu na izvesna prećutkivanja, brzo shvate da su prećutkivanja univerzalna.""Nisam više bio sposoban da, kao nekad, pokazujem prezir prema životu ispunjenom strastima kojih sam se bojao. Moja duša je duboko zaronila u moje telo, i ono za čim sam žalio, od misli do misli, od akorda do akorda, nisu bile moje greške nego mogućnost sreće koju sam odgurnuo. Ne što sam tako često podlegao nego što sam se tako dugo i tako teško odupirao.""... konačno i ljudski moral je jedan veliki kompromis. Moj Bože, ne optužujem nikoga. Svako u tišini krije svoje tajne i svoje snove, nikad ih ne priznajući, ni sebi. A sve bi se objasnilo kad ne bismo lagali.""Draga prijateljice, teško je živeti. Dovoljno sam se borio sa moralnim principima da ne bih izgradio druge, suprotne."

Do You like book Alexis Ou Le Traité Du Vain Combat / Le Coup De Grâce (1978)?

This novel, originally published in 1929, takes the form of a letter from Alexis, a young musician, to his wife, Monique. She has just given birth to their son, yet, in his letter, he declares that he can no longer continue in his marriage, but must yield to the demands of his own sexuality, against which he had striven for some time. Yourcenar herself commented, "A shocking topic at the time and from the pen of a young woman," (Yourcenar was only twenty-four at the time). Told in a her signature classical prose style, it is reminiscent of the sort of novel written by Gide as well. In fact many critics have noted Gide's influence as being predominant, yet this is a very personal work that foreshadows her later work. She effectively explores the sense of fate driving Alexis in a world that, even now, is often less than welcoming to the searching of a man like Alexis. There are passages that highlight the lack of understanding among the general populace. However, what many might find scandalous is in this short novel handled with delicacy and decency. Seldom have I read any literature that shares so tactfully the internal feelings and yearnings of one man. The result is a gentle book, sharing honestly one life in a way that stands as a preface for the many lives that Marguerite Yourcenar would create in her subsequent novels.

Why did she put poor Alexis in dreary middle Europe? The most exciting place nearby is Vienna, poor dear.I feel that Yourcenar is very good at saying things. But I'm not always convinced that what she's saying is true. Things like:"For it is difficult to live, it is even more difficult to explain one's life.""the worse of all falsehoods is the falsehood of calm.""But one might say that in a certain sense it is the living members of old families who seem to be the ghosts of the dead.""everyone around me agreed that it was possible to be happy without ceasing to be sad.""Yet that is always the case: our works represent a period of our existence we have already gone beyond at the time we write them.""But love, among children, is a part of candour. They imagine they love because they do not perceive that they desire.""Nothing is more cynical than the talk of adolescents, even and above all when it is chaste.""People who go to the theatre seek to forget themselves; those who go to a concert seek rather to find themselves.""I wept at the idea that life was so simple and would be so easy if we ourselves were only simple enough to accept it.""Everyone causes suffering when he is born, and suffers when he dies. But that life is dreadful is nothing; what is worse is that it is vain and without beauty."I seem to spend the whole time going "Yes!, yes!, YES! ... Hold on ..."

A very beautiful book by Marguerite Yourcenar, which takes the form of a long letter by a husband (Alexis) to his wife Monique, telling her that he cannot go on with their marriage as he needs to respond to his homosexuality and the demand of his body! The book, published in 1929, was written by the writer in her twenties and in a time when tackling such sensitive issues and taboos like homosexuality was considered a daring work. The novel reminded me of Marcel Proust’s ‘Swann’s Way’, as it is an interior journey into the male protagonist’s past, a personal life narrative in which the Alexis goes back to his own childhood and talks about his life, family, and his attachment to his mother, his loving and tender sisters, and goes on describing his later life as a musician, his marriage to Monique, their first child, and most of all their lives as strangers. Throughout the recollection of his memories he was trying to achieve a number of things, first, as a shy person, who feels guilty, he is somehow hesitant and unconsciously lingering in explaining his problem to his beloved and respected wife, second, he tries to provide her with some explanation - which he thinks relevant- about their marital life, and third, which might be even more important is his attempt at reaching a meaning of his inner world, urges, and body, and his life in general. I appreciated most of all the detailed analysis of man’s homosexuality by a female writer, and the sensitive and elegant treatment of such a dilemma, namely, to whether on should respond to society and traditions, or listen to his/her inner biological and psychological demands and urges. That is to say, shall one live a lie in order to satisfy others or be honest to his true self, although that might hurt others unintentionally? I loved Alexis’ respect and consideration for his wife. The book enchants you from the opening pages.
—Maan Kawas

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