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Alan Turing: Unlocking The Enigma (2014)

Alan Turing: Unlocking the Enigma (2014)

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3.51 of 5 Votes: 2
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Endeavour Press

About book Alan Turing: Unlocking The Enigma (2014)

David Boyle's book is more of a long essay about the life of Alan Turing rather than a biography. I don't pretend to have understand some of the more technical details, especially the relationship between mathematics and philosophy, but Boyle does play fitting tribute to the great scientist as well as pointing the finger at 1950s Britain's antiquated anti-homosexuality laws which may have contributed to Turing's tragically early death in 1954.A very useful reference book.David Lowther. Author of The Blue Pencil ( This kindle single gives an interesting short biography of Alan Turing, the brilliant scientist best known for wartime code breaking at Bletchley Park and his pioneering contribution to the very beginning of information technology. This tells the story of his life from a bookish and withdrawn boy, independent and obsessed with mathematics, to an academic career which led to his important wartime work and a post-war period at King’s College where he faced difficulties in both the scientific world and his emotional life.Alan Turing was both respected by colleagues and also infuriated many he knew. Like many great intellectuals, he cared little about external things – tying his trousers with string and staying in cheap hotels, even when he could afford better. He was also homosexual in a time when it was illegal and his sexuality was the reason for most of his troubles in later life. This book hinges on the 2013 request in the House of Lords for Turin to receive a statutory pardon for crimes relating to his homosexuality and there is also a fascinating possible link to Guy Burgess which I would like to read more about. Although this is a short book, it is a good introduction to a truly fascinating and ground breaking man.Rated 3.5

Do You like book Alan Turing: Unlocking The Enigma (2014)?

Interesting for who Turing was, but far too brief and concise for more enjoyment.

A short biography of the enigma code breaker of the second world war.

Enjoyed the read ... Interesting insights into a complicated man ...

Nice introduction, coverts the main bits and whets the appetite!

A quick synopsis of Alan Turing's brief life.

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