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Air Demon (2011)

Air Demon (2011)

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3.77 of 5 Votes: 2
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1610347846 (ISBN13: 9781610347846)

About book Air Demon (2011)

I think my enjoyment of this is the realization that the story I wanted to read is likely never going to come, since there has been no progression on this series in a few years. Anyway, this is the story of Nick and Storym who nicely sleeps with him then vanishes. Nice. The saving grace here is Nick. He's smart, resourceful and a bit of a smartass. I liked that Storym realized he was going to have to train Nick to go on missions because he would do it anyway. It was also fun to see Nick and Gabe having their little fights with their powers once Nick mated. The drama with the obsessed demon who wanted Nick was a bit off, but overall it was an enjoyable read. I really want to read Brayan's story though. Oh well. I find that some authors who have many many series simply don't have the time or interest in finishing some of them. *shrug* Maybe someday. Oh this book made me want to kick someone in the pick Storym for that option.....he was so stubborn, but when he finally pulled his head out of his ass it was worth the frustration in the beginning. Nick was hurt, but got past it when he realized he was finally getting what he hoped for. The two together made a great team as far as solving the crimes that were happening around the palace.

Do You like book Air Demon (2011)?

very funny demon story. I hope the 3rd and 4th book won't take as long as the 2nd one !

detective and the overprotective tornado. started well, but too plotty in the end.

Was fairly decent read. Characters were okay. So an over all 3.8 stars.

I love this book. It's excelent. I'm waiting for the next story.

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