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Agnes Cecilia (1990)

Agnes Cecilia (1990)

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0060222816 (ISBN13: 9780060222819)
harpercollins publishers

About book Agnes Cecilia (1990)

This was a very good book THE SWEDISH WAYA very good friend of mine lent me this book, back then in 2009.She told me that she liked a lot this book and I accepted her offer to read the novel.The book was translated to Spanish (that's why I picked this edition for my virtual shelves) but I am sure that since Maria Gripe was a very famous writer, this novel and the others from her bibliography must be in several other options of languages, including English. At least, I supposed that.It was odd since I don't quite pinpoint if this particular book was the trigger or not, but it was a fact that, at that time, back then in 2009, I was totally ignorant about anything related with Swedish culture.I hadn't read any book from a Swedish author or watching any Swedish film, at that point, back in 2009.However, nowadays I am truly happy to say that I am quite aware of Swedish novels and movies.I have watched several Swedish films that I liked them a lot and some of them even they are of my favorites movies now.And while in literature, indeed this book was my first example, and I have yet to read far more books from there, now I am quite aware about the popular authors from Sweeden. So, it's now only a matter of scheduling them in my very messy TBR list. A SURREAL EXPERIENCEMaria Gripe wrote it, in a very engaging way that you are hooked to the story from the beginning.She is able to set quite clear that the story is developing in Swedish cities but in a way that you aren't feeling like an intruder in a strange land, but a well received visitor in a place not so different that your own neighborhood.The main protagonist, Nora, a young girl, she has a very likeable personality so you embrace the book in an instant. And her "sidekick", Dag, a young boy, is a very good character too.The story has a very cool mystery and odd events that you really are uncertain if it's something paranormal or not.The narrative sets you in a marvellous surreal ambiance that you really are open to believe that anything can happens there.Highly recommended.

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