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Aging As A Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide To Growing Older And Wiser (2012)

Aging as a Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide to Growing Older and Wiser (2012)

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1592406904 (ISBN13: 9781592406906)

About book Aging As A Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide To Growing Older And Wiser (2012)

Enjoyable, quick read. Very basic in relation to life changing information. Very easily followed If you haven't read many books on the Buddhist lifestyle. If you have, you may actually be a bit disappointed in this. THe author relates Buddhism to many other spiritual practices and often doesn't seem to go in depth enough to make this feel like you want to know more.For a Sunday morning, coffee book... well done.For a contemplative, make me want to know more and change my life book... eh. The interior of this book is as soft-focus as the exterior picture of the lotus. If you are aging at the same speed the rest of us are, and have not yet made some measure of peace with that, this is the book for you. Richmond handles the inevitability that aging has an end point with Zen calmness, and he shares the feeling with his prose. The book is organized by issues related to getting old, and a reader is free to roam and contemplate. That's how I'll handle the remaining years I have. Roam and contemplate. And adventure.

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I won this book from the first reads giveaways and I am so excited to read it. Thanks.

Lots of wisdom, much from a Buddhist perspective but not exclusive.

I think we all could use a guide like this.

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