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Admissions (2005)

Admissions (2005)

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3.1 of 5 Votes: 2
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0446695890 (ISBN13: 9780446695893)
grand central publishing

About book Admissions (2005)

This is a strange cross between The Devil Wears Prada and Nanny Diaries starring The Real Housewives of NYC. The only characters I liked were the 14 year olds and Michael, the Dad. I tried to like the main characters Sara and Helen, but each time I would start to warm to them, their shallow personalities, often revealed by a snarky remark, brought on my disdain. Lieberman's substitution of descriptive names for schools' real names( examples: "The Fancy Girls' School" and "The Bucolic Campus School") is hilarious. This sort of word play throughout the book added necessary humor. My favorite was the "Huts for Humans" project. However, I also found much of Lieberman's word choice to be pretentious and the analogies dreadful. I'm wondering if this was done on purpose to mirror the pretense exhibited by most of the characters. It's not a bad read, but it's not a really good one either.

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