Just finished reading this with my nearly six-year old daughter. It's a beautiful book to look at, and my daughter loved having her first "big girl book" to read. I'd have enjoyed more plot development, but it did hold her interest. The beautiful illustrations helped a great deal. The clever puns were fun for adults though, although I wouldn't expect children to appreciate them. It reminded me of the Lemony Snickett books. Overall, I'd say it was a fun read for my daughter's first venture into chapter books, and while I think the storyline itself could have had more to it, I'll buy any sequels for my little one. smieklīga, sirsnīga, gotiski mīlīga un piedzīvojumiem pilna bērnu grāmata. līdz malām piekrāmēta ar kultūr/literatūr vēstures atsaucēm, kas lasīšanu padara interesantu arī pieaugušajiem, tomēr šīs zināšanas lasot nav obligāti vajadīgas (pats neatšifrēju lielāko daļu tēlu) un tā tomēr ir bērnu grāmata, nevis kāda nebūt umberto eko intelektuālā rotaļa. fantastiska grāmata un skaistas ilustrācijas.
Do You like book Ada Un Peles Rēgs (2014)?
Three stars for the story, five for the illustrations.Utterly charming.
Una absoluta delicia.Como todo lo de Chris Riddell.