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A.D. 30: A Novel (2014)

A.D. 30: A Novel (2014)

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4.17 of 5 Votes: 2
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147898273X (ISBN13: 9781478982739)
Center Street

About book A.D. 30: A Novel (2014)

As with so many Dekker books in the past I had trouble putting A.D. 30 down and spent some late nights reading the adventure. What is unique to A.D. 30 is that one of the characters is Jesus himself.Ted Dekker uses his skill as an author of fiction to draw the reader in and to help us see and hear Yeshua as an eyewitness. Through Maviah the reader gets to feel the love of Yeshua for the outcast and unloved. Reading these familiar teachings with new eyes in the context of those who first heard them helped me to see how radical they were, and still are. Ted Dekker at his best!This is a story of betrayal, violence, shame and honour. A Bedouin woman Maviah finds herself at the mercy of conflicting kings and warriors in the convoluted politics of the Middle East around the year 30 AD.She meets up with another king, Yeshua (Jesus), who shows her that there is another kingdom that is not of this world- a kingdom of love rather than hate, of forgiveness rather than fear.It is different to much of Dekker's writing, but still has his trademark action plots exploring confrontation between good and evil.

Do You like book A.D. 30: A Novel (2014)?

This book was not great and or good IMO. It tired me out. I am not up for the sequel

An amazing, POWERFUL book that I recommended everyone should read!!!

A teaser. Hopefully the book to come will be better.

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