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Across The Ocean (2013)

Across the Ocean (2013)

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3.88 of 5 Votes: 2
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About book Across The Ocean (2013)

I was thinking about giving a 2.5 but here I'm going with a 3 stars. The story was interesting and a wholesome good but the character, to be specific Brooke's was a bit childish but she was young 22. Anyway when I came to think about this, childish but in the end I was pretty okay because it felt real. 22 is not like she was full of experiences or saw everything. The character also expressed that and I found her being someone very cautious even when she was involved with Ari but could I blamed them. it was 2 ways and with so many years behind them.Anyway, I did enjoy this book and it was quite fresh. First let me say that Brooke has a friend that moved to Iceland and they keep in touch. Well Brooke has been talking to this guy named Ari and they been doing this now for a couple of years he lives in Iceland and is also friends with her friend. Brooke's relationship with her boyfriend has finally ended and she figures she will go to Iceland to see her frien that she hasn't seen in years they only talk by Internet . And also that hot guy named Ari lives there as well which she is finally gonna meet. It gets complicated you see Emilia Brooke's friend has a friend named Lara and she is dating Ari but Brooke is determined not to make waves and tries to be nothing but friendly. But she is so attracted to Ari and he is to her that its impossible for them not to crash into each other and when they do sparks will fly. But you have to read the book to see what actually happens I just know I'm not disappointed and would like to see more from Ari and Brooke and her friend Emilia.

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