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Across The Dark Metropolis (2005)

Across the Dark Metropolis (2005)

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4.09 of 5 Votes: 1
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0765350076 (ISBN13: 9780765350077)
tor teen

About book Across The Dark Metropolis (2005)

The last of the Borribles trilogy, this seemed to have an even greater level of anti-establishment sentiment. The police are portrayed as completely idiotic, vicious, unsympathetic, mean, nasty, and truly disgusting human beings with no sign of redemption or goodness. The other adults are violent alcoholics who try to kill and/or betray the Borribles. It really is enough to make you want to turn into a Borrible so you won't grow up and be awful. In any case, these books are violent and not exactly an easy read, but the story is engrossing and really like no other young adult novel. The ending of this book is very sad, but uplifting at the same time.

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