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According To Mary Magdalene (1999)

According to Mary Magdalene (1999)

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3.77 of 5 Votes: 4
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1571741208 (ISBN13: 9781571741202)
hampton roads publishing company

About book According To Mary Magdalene (1999)

1997. I read "Volgens Maria Magdalena".Fredriksson [Swedish author] became VERY famous among Dutch readers in 1998 with her book Anna, Hanna and Johanna: Good book bringing to life three generations of women in Sweden.This one does a great job of making the first century AD come to life for me. Roman rulers, Greek traders, Greek as lingua franca of the whole Near Eastern coast; Jews, early Christians, Jewish Christians, and all those who worshipped the multiple gods of Greece and Rome [and earlier ones]. You follow Jesus around in his final year of life, as seen through the eyes of Mary of Magdala. Fredriksson brings in lots of stories familiar to us from the New Testament, but now in a different light. The bulk of the book shows us something of the confusion of beliefs in the couple of decades right after Jesus' death, and the great struggle for power and authority in setting up an established church that later resulted in the hierarchy headed up by the pope. Fredriksson is trying to explain how it could happen that Jesus' actual messages got so lost and distorted right from the get-go. In this novel we hear Mary Magdalene trying to put into words what the messages were that came through to her, and hear her thoughts on why the disciples and Paul and others had such a mental block against hearing what Jesus was actually saying.I learned a great deal about early Christians. Going on after that to read some of Elaine Pagel's book, it all began to make a lot of sense. [greed for power]

Kirjassa kuvataan hyvin se, miten kristillisen kirkon syntyyn ja Jeesuksen sanomisten tulkintaan on vaikuttanut se, että vain miesten kertomukset kirjattiin ylös. Tai että opetuslapset olivat turhan vahvasti kiinni juutalaisuudessa ja siksi Jeesuksen tarinaan liitettiin ylimääräisiä yliluonnollisuuksia. Kirjassa on lööppiainestakin, esimerkiksi neitseellisen syntymän kyseenalaistaminen ja Jeesuksen seksuaalisuus, mutta ei tässä kirjassa mitään uskonnollista vallankumousta tehdä, pikemminkin vain muistutetaan siitä, mistä kristinuskossa oikeastaan pitäisi olla kysymys.

Do You like book According To Mary Magdalene (1999)?

Extremely interesting. It occasionally took some effort to figure out "when" we were, and I think some things could have been explained a little better, but overall I think it gave a view that we might not hear everyday - the women's side of Jesus's story. I think it would have meant a little more to me if I was religious, or even well versed in religion, but it was interesting to think about how different Christianity is (or might be) from what Jesus actually taught. I liked the view on God and religion found in this book much more than the religion I actually see around me.

My problem with organised religion is that the "original" message is interpreted and presented to us as incontrovertible truth by men. Very, very, VERY occasionally women, but overwhelmingly men. Fallible people, full of the usual faults present in all human beings.Just as history is always written by the victors, I have always wondered exactly how the cult around a young Jewish man, reputed to be the performer of miracles, spread across the world - after his death - to become a huge religion. Exactly whose words form the basis of Christianity - is it truly Jesus' own words and message that was conveyed by the Apostles and after them, by leaders of the Church in all it's many dominations? But I have always been too lazy to read up on it. I love this book for giving me a very compelling Mary Magdalene to spark my interest in reading about how Christianity started, grew and began to develop. As with other books I've read by Marianne Fredriksson, the characters leap off the page in all their complexity and human fallibility. Of course, her story is a skeleton of fact, fleshed out by the writer's imagination, but it does it's job of provoking us to think just who Religion, like History, is written by and for, and to what end?

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