toddler story time; Alphabet knowledge, print motivation, phonological awarenessThis is a book that has simple phrases and large letters. The pages are thick and easily handled by a toddler who knows not to rip pages. The alphabet is written on the bottom of the page and the appropriate letter is highlighted. The word that is being mentioned in in all CAPS and the pictures are bright and cheerful. I would recommend this for toddler story time. My favorite ABC book, because i loved the idea of making a sentence using one letter. Like Ursulas uncle unicycles underwater, because it makes it fun to read and they also added images of what the senteces was about. Another aspect of the book that i thought was clever and helpful was that they had the whole alphabet at the bottom of each right page and the letter that we were reading on that page was underlined on that page. I think its a helpful and fun for children to read.
Yoko's yucky yellow yak yells "Yo!" is my favorite along with vaccuming various vegetables.
Good for parent/child discussion for letter recognition. Cute, soft pictures.
Fun alliteration!