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A Year Of Cats And Dogs (2009)

A Year of Cats and Dogs (2009)

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3.71 of 5 Votes: 4
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1579621899 (ISBN13: 9781579621896)
Permanent Press (NY)

About book A Year Of Cats And Dogs (2009)

Kept waiting for this one to get better, but it didn't really until the last 35 pages or so...just kept rambling...lot of minor characters introduced and then all of a sudden they were out of the story...didn't like the author's style: I'm no prude, but some of the sexual references made my skin crawl--she had a crude and gross way of describing some things...hard to root for the new love interest as he was painted as a very unattractive and sloppy was just ok. This is not the typcial type of book I usually read and I wasn't sure I would really like it. Turns out that I truly enjoyed reading this book! Some books I read I can't remember the title 2 days after I've finished it, but I've found this book to provoke reflection. The main character decides to let her self go after her husband leaves her. She finds someone else in the most unexpected place, does things she never would have done had her life not changed, and finds she can talk to dogs and cats . . . . the book makes it all sound so logical! Very enjoyable read!

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Found this quite engaging and a nice change of pace from my normal mystery reads.

Watch for my review on IBR. This was an awesome read!

Gently funny and slyly brilliant.

A First Reads Win!

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