About book A Woman's Wisdom: How The Book Of Proverbs Speaks To Everything (2012)
Stuck in the Old Testament next to the beautiful Psalms, the Books of Proverbs can often be overlooked. Afterall, we might think, do we really need 31 chapters in a row about wisdom? Author Lydia Brownback has written A Woman's Wisdom to explain why Proverbs really is important to us all.This book is divided into three main parts with several chapters in each section:*What is wisdom and why does it matter?◦What, exactly, is Wisdom?◦Why Folly is Really Bad*Six things wise women know◦Wise Women Know the Power of Words◦Wise Women Choose Friends Carefully◦Wise Women Know the Secret of Self-Control◦Wise Women Know How to Think, Feel and Want◦Wise Women Are Financially Savvy◦Wise Women Safeguard Their Sexuality*a portrait of wisdom◦The Woman of Proverbs 31As the chapter heading indicate, this book covers a lot of ground that can be very personal. A Woman's Wisdom is a book that can be used as an individual Bible study book or in a small group setting. Some of the topics and details discussed might be better served in a private Bible study, however a small group might be able to delve deeper into Proverbs and hold each other accountable to its lessons. A study guide with chapter questions is included in the back of the book.A Woman's Wisdom is grounded in the scriptural truths of Proverbs. At times this book does come across as preachy. Lydia Brownback is a conservative Christian who doesn't mince words, that's for sure.I received this book from Crossway in exchange for an honest review but the opinions in this review are all mine. This is not really a book to sit down and read it is more of a Bible Study. Lydia Brownback focuses on the Book of Proverbs, and systematically goes through different areas of life connecting each area to the advice in Proverbs, backing it up with other scripture. The book is very interesting, but rather difficult to read. It is written more to younger women, but there are parts that apply to women of all ages. It is more like lifelong advice from an older relative or a mother that turns your focus to the Bible for direction. . In today’s world, we often forget to connect our lives to Biblical direction with all the distractions; this book helps to turn your eyes and heart back to the source of direction.If you did not grow up in a strong Christian family with the benefit of Bible based advice, this book will be a good source of Christian advice for you. If you just need to hear it from another source, or need a refresher, it book is an excellent way to get that support.
Do You like book A Woman's Wisdom: How The Book Of Proverbs Speaks To Everything (2012)?
Excellent and spiritually challenging book for any woman who desires to grow in godly character.
Really good. Not amazing, but really helpful.