The plot is pedestrian. Other than a few colloquialisms thrown in and place names I would have a hard time even thinking that this book took place in England. I didn't look him up, is the writer even British? Writing is pedestrian. See how I've repeated that adjective from just a sentence or two before. that happens quite a bit in this book as if the writer wanted to use a new word that he hadn't used yet and then forgot he used it, then used it again a sentence or so later. Characters are 2 dimensional. I had high hopes after reading the jacket blurbs. Scene transitions are not handled smoothly, too much jumping around. Notice I haven't said anything about the plot. Well, the plot really is inconsequential. I'm not sure if it is worth two stars but if you have anything invested in the characters then you may like this better. Not that it is a bad book, just innocuous and disappointing.