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A Thousand Days In Tuscany: A Bittersweet Adventure (2005)

A Thousand Days in Tuscany: A Bittersweet Adventure (2005)

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0345481097 (ISBN13: 9780345481092)
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About book A Thousand Days In Tuscany: A Bittersweet Adventure (2005)

Un livre qui m'a rappelé l'atmosphère du roman "Sous le soleil de Toscane" de Frances Mayes tout en étant complètement différent. C'est une histoire pleine de charme qui invite à une certaine nonchalance dans ce village où il fait bon vivre et qui donne au lecteur des envies de sieste sous les figuiers, de tomates au basilic, d'huile d'olives et de pain frais. C'est un livre qui incite à la rêverie et à la paresse. On va suivre au fil des pages, Marlena et son mari ancien employé de banque qui décident de changer de vie et de quitter Venise pour s'installer dans un petit village Toscan où ils louent une maison. Les personnages hauts en couleurs ont la force de caractère des gens de la terre et sont particulièrement attachants. J'ai beaucoup aimé suivre l'installation de Marlena et de son mari dans cette maison et dans cette nouvelle vie, leur intégration auprès des villageois, leur acclimatation, leurs envies… La construction du récit m'a beaucoup plu, tout particulièrement les recettes intégrées à l'histoire qui font saliver le lecteur et lui donne envie de partir découvrir cette région de Toscane et sa gastronomie. La gourmande que je suis était plus que ravie de cette débaûche de parfums et de saveurs. C'est un récit gourmand, qui fait la part belle aux ingrédients de la cuisine toscane et à la convivialité, plein d'optimisme et qui fait du bien.Tout en simplicité et en sincérité l'histoire met en scène tous les petits bonheurs du quotidien : partager une bonne table avec les gens que l'on aime, admirer la lumière du matin, s'enthousiasmer pour la saveur d'un plat réussi… Ce livre fait l'éloge des choses vraies, d'un retour aux fondamentaux de la vie et des petites attentions à la portée de chacun. L'auteur a tout à fait réussi à partager ses émotions, c'est lumineux, plein de soleil, charmant et attendrissant, on est ému aux larmes avec certains personnages et on rit de certaines situations. Ce récit est un vrai playdoyer pour les petites choses qui participent au bonheur, un hymne à la simplicité dans les rapports aux autres, dans le fait de savoir faire la part des choses pour se consacrer à l'essentiel et se fixer sur ce qui en vaut vraiment la peine. J'ai beaucoup aimé les personnages secondaires, bien marqués par leurs caractères, ils ont l'élégance des gens qui connaissent la valeur des choses, le sens de l'amitié et de l'accueil ils répondent présents pour Marlena et son mari dès leur installation. Pourtant tout n'est pas rose non plus, la vie n'est pas si facile quand on a tout quitté et que l'on ne sait pas de quoi sera fait le lendemain et le couple a des doutes et des incertitudes quant à son futur mais l'optimisme reprend ses droits malgré les peines et les coups durs, plein d'espoir quand à l'avenir...

Приятна изненада се оказа тази книга, попаднала случайно при мен. Видът и анотациите отзад предполагат да се чете поредната лигава боза, пълна с лИбоФ. Но ако има любов в тази книга, то това е любовта към храната, виното и тосканското слънце, към простичкия живот, пълен с хармония. Книгата не е за хора на диета, детайлните описания на хранителните навици и ритуали, както и подробните рецепти вътре изкушават всеки човек да пожелае не само да опита тази храна, но да го направи точно там, в Тоскана. Четенето е леко и приятно, внушенията, които авторката предлага, не тежат и не пречат. Най-добрата реклама на Тоскана, която би могла да бъде направена, е именно тази книга, и ако случайно разбера, че писателката не е живяла там поне за малко, ако описанията са плод на само на ровичкане в интернет, ще се почувствам измамена, толкова истинско и лично преживяно изглежда всичко.

Do You like book A Thousand Days In Tuscany: A Bittersweet Adventure (2005)?

This was just about the perfect book for me. I enjoyed this more than her first book, A Thousand Days in Venice which was good. This combined one of my favorite regions in the world with a wonderful exploration of the food and culture of that region. I felt the heat of the sun while she harvested grapes and I could smell the rosemary she loved to add to her cooking fire. I don't know if this book was so perfect for me because I was reading it in from an ideal place (on a deserted beach on a Caribbean Island) or because it is simply a perfect escape book. Whichever it is, I smile and sigh every time I think back on this delightful read.

Smack dab in the midst of normal and predictable routine, a gypsy thought will sometimes flit through my mind. What would it be like to pull up stakes, travel to an idyllic vacation spot, and live a carefree life? That is exactly what Marlena De Blasi did. She is a kind of modern day gypsy, an American who traveled to Italy to do research for her cook book and ended up in Venice, fell madly in love and married, then moved to Tuscany to taste and touch and feel its earthy pleasures. This book is part travelogue, part memoir, with a dash of cooking thrown in. It's an ingredient list that somehow just works together and is very successful in allowing the reader to enjoy vicariously the pleasures she describes: the grape harvest, the making of olive oil, baking bread in a brick oven built according to ancient pattern, sharing history and birth and death with the locals. Marlena has a voracious appetite for life and is willing to get her fingernails dirty to experience it. I appreciate her full enjoyment of simple pleasures that revolve around hearth and food and loved ones. She has some deep thoughts, too, that go beyond momentary delight:"Some people are afraid of joy. Terrified that they don't deserve it or that they won't be able to feel it should it ever come to visit. Mostly I think that people are terrified that joy won't stay, won't last."I think this quote is possibly my favorite: "Hell is where nothing is cooking and no one is waiting."Marlena De Blasi lays on the descriptive phrases as heavy as her bright red lipstick. She definitely added color to the cold days of winter during which I was reading her book.

This non-fiction account of Marlena De Blasi's life adventure in Italy is a continuation of her love story that began in A Thousand Days In Venice. I am enjoying her adventures and will also read the next installment of her story but found this book not as cohesive as the first. She is a good writer and her food descriptions make you want to go to the kitchen and snack but I feel the breakdown of the story was more of an editor problem than a writer problem. She continues to express her love for Fernando in a romantic and poetic language. They move to a rented converted stable in a small Tuscan village and they make new friends. She inspires the townspeople to revive shared meals and festive evenings with her enthusiasm for their unique culture. A long-time friend visits and his philosophical conversation about how one lives one's life is included but like her first book, A Thousand Days in Venice, the voices of her two young-adult children are noticably absent. How do you move away from your children and not somehow include them in the perspective of the tale? She mentions that both her children are going to visit in the summer but conveniently ends the story before their scheduled visit. Being a mother of 4 children ages 21 to 37 I cannot imagine making such a significant life-change and not include my interaction with my children. Also, the title implies a three year tale but the book is presented as four seasons of a year. The inconsistencies are not enough to write this series off. I hope the next installment, The Lady in the Palazzo, is a better read.

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