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A Tale Of Two Trucks (2012)

A Tale of Two Trucks (2012)

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3.37 of 5 Votes: 1
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1623800927 (ISBN13: 9781623800925)
Dreamspinner Press

About book A Tale Of Two Trucks (2012)

I really enjoyed this story of gay and comfy with that Mike, who meets average guy (but hot) Joe while buying a truck. I enjoy cute meets and had fun reading this one. The storytelling was smooth and engaging, sprinkled with great moments of humor and sparks of wisdom. Maybe it's just that Joe reminded me of one of my brothers, but the character felt real and made me laugh out loud sometimes. If a book can do that, it goes on my read-again shelf. I loved, LOVED, the first part of this book. The MC's were interesting, the slow build was great and the writing was solid. Then the supposed payoff came and they finally got together. And the book took a serious tumble down a cliff. Suddenly Mike went from a fem gay man to a woman! I don't read m/m to read chick-lit! The sex scene was one of the worst I have ever read, filled with HORRIBLE purple prose. I forced myself to finish reading so I could rate it fairly but it was a chore. I have rarely been this disappointed in a book. Ever. It started out good enough for 5 stars and ended with a minus star. It gets 2 stars for the pleasure of reading the first part. I am seriously considering the possibility of two different writers here...

Do You like book A Tale Of Two Trucks (2012)?

A fun fast read that I thoroughly enjoyed. Both characters were extremely likable.

DNFThe writing is ridiculously stiff as is the dialogue. Unreal.

Totally loved it one of the best stories I ever read.

Very cute!

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