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A Tale Of Two Mommies (2011)

A Tale of Two Mommies (2011)

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3.86 of 5 Votes: 1
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0982636660 (ISBN13: 9780982636664)
Vanita Books

About book A Tale Of Two Mommies (2011)

Amazing Message Of Family Love ( Showcasing Lesbian/Bi Women Led Family)This was an awesome book to explain how a lesbian family is perfectly normal (and works just like everyone else's) to small children in a way that they can relate to and easily understand. It was beautifully written and gorgeously illustrated with adorable little multiracial children so as to not exclude any group from its awesome message. I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait to read its companion story A Tale of Two Daddies! I will be recommending this book (and probably it companion also) to all my friends with children and reading this with MY children too!***This book is suitable to be read by kindergartners on up but totally readable to younger children A Tale Of Two Mommies by Vanita Oelschlager is a children’s book that deals with issues in today’s world. Families come in all shapes and sizes and some are considered different or wrong in today’s society. This book is a about acceptance and that different is ok. The rhyming writing style and the artwork contained in the illustrations are quite cute and appealing to children. I would recommend this book to any adult who wants to relay that different is ok to their children. This book would be a wonderful addition to your family library.

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Deserves 4 and a half stars. Excellent book.

My 6 year old step son loves this book.

The artwork is lovely and fluid.


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