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A Soldier's Duty (2011)

A Soldier's Duty (2011)

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3.97 of 5 Votes: 2
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0441020631 (ISBN13: 9780441020638)

About book A Soldier's Duty (2011)

A SOLDIER'S DUTY reminded me of Dune, Starship Troopers, and Honor Harrington. Main character Ia personifies the citizen-soldier. The action turns the page. The world building is superb. At times Ia’s “gifts” stretch credulity. Is there nothing she can’t do? Well, maybe. This is science fiction and Ia is precog so I’ll grant the author that. Overall, Jean John’s first in a new series is a well-crafted Military SF. I was initially turned off by Ia's frequently repeated reminders of why she had to set herself up to be a supersoldier. Once I got past that and the book settled into the actual development of that path, I found myself being sucked in, not only by the storyline and the character's talents, but also by the author's acknowledgement of the fine line between heroics and abuse of power. I'm sticking with the series to see where it goes and who Ia becomes-- I doubt if I would face this life path without resentment about being forced to give up my own dreams for it, however noble a cause it turned out to be.

Do You like book A Soldier's Duty (2011)?

wow...i expected something fairly generic, but Johnson took a fairly standard theme and shook it up!

It was a very good story and held my attention. I do not find the next book to be of any interest.

A decent story but a little Mary-Sue for my taste. I haven't decided if I'll read the next one.

this is the beginning of what looks to be an epic story. :)

Great sci-fi soldier book

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