I loved getting a bit of a simple, but informative, "refresher" on some of the geological terminology and simply the beauty of the agates, geodes, and types of rock composition that I had studied in my Geology class. This book was wonderfully informative and engaging in the way it was laid out and brought me back to the fascinating world of geology. The illustrations and labeling of each was an interesting aspect of this books in itself, as well... All of the incredible color mother nature presents in each rock and mineral, such as in Watermelon Tourmaline (my favorite), was wonderfully portrayed in a way that truly captivated me as I read. This book has a lot of information and is one i would use to split up into multiple days and activities as it is very long to read all at once. This book focuses on all different kinds of rocks and how they are alike and different. It talks about how rocks are made up of different ingredients like a recipe and what those "ingredients" are for certain rocks. It talks abut the different states of a rock in comparison to soup that starts boiling at higher temperatures. This book also talks about how some rocks are really big and other are really small and you need to use a magnifying glass. I think this book goes in depth about all the different aspects of rocks and can be used to teach children about parts and wholes, changing states of a rock, animals and rocks, and many other aspects of rocks. It uses child friendly language and comparisons that the children will be familiar with and lends its hand to many activities such as boiling soup or making a recipe with multiple ingredients like different rocks have different "ingredients".
Do You like book A Rock Is Lively (2012)?
Absolutely beautiful illustrations. A great book for a child with an interest in geology!
Beautiful and informative. The illustrations look real.Should be considered.
Simple, but good information for young readers, with stunning illustrations.
I love this series of picture books...just gorgeous.
Delightful and colourful children's book about rocks