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A Pequena Coruja Branca (2010)

A Pequena Coruja Branca (2010)

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About book A Pequena Coruja Branca (2010)

The Little White Owl is the enchanting tale of the lonely, little, white owl. He lives alone, somewhere very cold and snowy. One day he decides to venture out into the world in search of other owls. Eventually he comes upon a tropical area with many owls of vibrant hues. However these owls are not kind to the little owl as he doesn't look like one of them. But, the little owl, with his gift for creative story-telling slowly wins them over. This is a favorite book in our home for the colorful and adorable illustrations of the owls and the sweet story with an underlying message about prejudice and kindness. You cannot resist the story and picture of the little, white owl who loves toast and sleeps with a teddy bear. This cute book tells the story of a little white owl who lived all by himself, but never let it get him down. One day he decides to explore and finds some very colorful owls who are very different from him. The little white owl shares his magical stories from his home with them and the colorful owls desire to experience it for themselves! I would use this book to encourage my students to be different and to be proud of who they are.

Do You like book A Pequena Coruja Branca (2010)?

Little white owl can charm even the snootiest brightly colored owl with his stories.

Little White Owl is all alone even though he has lots of stories. Cute story.

I love the part where the little white owl tells the other owls a story.

Read in Owls Storytime 13/Jan/12

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