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A Night Of Misbehaving (Entangled Indulgence) (2014)

A Night of Misbehaving (Entangled Indulgence) (2014)

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3.56 of 5 Votes: 5
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Entangled: Indulgence

About book A Night Of Misbehaving (Entangled Indulgence) (2014)

This book is true to it's word. Its focus is one night where Super Mom lets go of all the super mom qualities and enjoys time with Sexy Dad Brent. Its a short read but it does have some great qualities too it that make it feel like your getting something out of such a short story. Both parents have girls in the same class and messed up relationships before. But what about now? Can Georgia let go of her rules and Brent be serious ? When Super Mom (Georgia Taylor) meets Sexy Dad (Brent Turner) sparks fly. Their date turns out to be a life changer for the single mom and the divorced dad. Where do they go from here? In this smartly written story we follow these two passionate characters as they dare to take a risk on love. These two are amazing together. I enjoyed their passionate romance and smiled at their lively banter. A Night of Misbehaving is a entertaining read. Carmen Falcone does a wonderful job creating colorful characters searching for a HEA.

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I found it boring and ridiculous with a very stupid beginning. Not my cuppa.

Review to come...

—Adreanna D.

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