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A Maiden's Grave (2001)

A Maiden's Grave (2001)

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3.9 of 5 Votes: 5
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0451204298 (ISBN13: 9780451204295)

About book A Maiden's Grave (2001)

Setelah beberapa historical romance genre, aku memutuskan untuk membeli buku ini. Mudah2an bagus. Buku J.Deaver sebelumnya yg sempat aku baca setengah adalah Speaking In Tongues, mudah2an yg ini lebih menarik karena ada embel2nya 'Bestseller #1 International'.Baru baca bab 1 dan 2, sejauh ini baru pengenalan tokoh. Di sisi sandera ada para wanita tuna rungu (8,10,12,14,17 tahun), di sisi penyandera ada 3 napi pelarian, di sisi polisi ada beberapa tokoh termasuk negosiator, agen federal, polisi negara bagian, polisi daerah, psikolog. Kesanku: "Aduh, banyak bgt ya tokohnya, bikin bingung!!" Ceritanya sendiri udh mulai terasa bakal menegangkan. Lokasi penyanderaan adalah eks rumah jagal yg sudah ditutup ber-tahun2 lalu.A Maiden's Grave, judul buku ini ternyata ada kisahnya. Melanie (25 tahun), salah satu guru tuna rungu yang ikut disandera, kehilangan kemampuan pendengarannya ketika berusia 10-an tahun. Melanie yang senang musik suatu ketika diajak kakak lelakinya untuk menonton pertunjukan. Lagu yang dimainkan sangat bagus dan menyentuh hatinya. Melani menanyakan judulnya dan mendengar jawaban kakaknya adalah A Maiden's Grave. Ternyata kemudian diketahui bahwa itu adalah lagu Amazing Grace. Pada saat itu pendengaran Melani sudah mulai berkurang sehingga ia salah mendengar. Menyenangi musik dan tidak bisa lagi mendengar menyebabkan frustrasi yang sangat. Melani menjadi penakut. Tetapi J.Deaver memosisikan Melani sebagai tokoh utama. Bagaimana seorang penakut bisa menjadi pahlawan. Sementara guru lainnya yang lebih tua dan tidak cacat malah hanya bisa terkapar menunggu nasib.Walaupun bukunya tebal ternyata drama penyanderaan berakhir sebelum bukunya sendiri tamat. Seperti antiklimaks, dengan begitu alotnya tarik ulur yang terjadi dan lepasnya satu per satu sandera, sepertinya agak aneh kenapa tiba2 penyanderaan ini berakhir. Ternyata ada kejutan di bab-bab selanjutnya.Mungkin kalau dibuat filmnya bisa bagus soalnya ceritanya sendiri menegangkan, sehingga walaupun tokohnya banyak dan bukunya tebal tetapi alur ceritanya bergulir cepat. Sehabis membaca buku ini dijamin pembaca akan makin mengetahui seluk-beluk negosiasi dalam penyanderaan.

PB -A school bus with deaf teachers and school children is driving thru the Kansas country side on the way to a performance. They pass an accident and the driver stops to see what help can be rendered, but they wind up being the ones in need of help. The occupants of one car are dead and the occupants of the other, 3 escaped federal convicts are anything but. The teachers and the children (all Girls of various ages) are taken hostages by the escapes and driven to a near by abandoned slaughter house along side a river. They are spotted by a lone state trouper but he wisely backs off and calls for help which arrives over a period of hours in the form of an FBI hostage team, local and state officers. They cordon off the area and secure positions to prevent escape, then begin negotiations. Arthur Potter is one of the top FBI negotiators and he has a handpicked team to back him up, but things do not go smoothly beginning with the shooting of one of the hostages after she has been released and is walking to meet an advancing trooper. So begins a long stand off as both side jockey for advantage and upper hand further complicated by political meddling and jurisdictional friction. A good suspenseful read with surprises at the end that you don’t see coming.ISBN - 978-0-451-20429-5, Suspense, Pages - 419, Print Size - R, Rating - 4.75

Do You like book A Maiden's Grave (2001)?

Deaver senza Rhyme Con una trama così convenzionale solo un maestro del thriller come Jeffery Deaver può essere in grado di tenere desta l’attenzione del lettore per oltre 400 pagine senza una pausa e con il minore cedimento possibile ai luoghi comuni del genere…Il Silenzio dei Rapiti (penosa concessione del traduttore italiano alla moda indotta da “Il Silenzio degli Innocenti, perdonabile solo con la difficile traducibilità dell’originale che gioca sull’assonanza con la canzone “Amazing Grace”) fa parte della produzione minore di Deaver: quella, per intenderci, che l’autore ha alternato al suo ciclo più famoso (Lincoln Rhyme/Amelia Sachs). Quindi, a differenza di tanti altri presunti autori che su una o al massimo due idee reggono tutto un libro, annacquando il brodo fino alla perdita di ogni sapore, Deaver dissemina la trama di temi (e personaggi) collaterali che, anche se non sempre geniali, sono quanto meno in grado di destare interesse e di far rimandare il momento in cui interrompere la lettura… La “trovata” principale, cioè quella di individuare il gruppo degli ostaggi in una decina di ragazzine sordomute, che permette al racconto di avvalersi di tutte le potenzialità narrative connesse (l’alfabeto dei segni, il rumore, la capacità di astrazione e concentrazione di un sordomuto, gli equivoci, le difficoltà di comunicazione per i “salvatori”), è certamente uno dei punti forti del libro ma la capacità di Deaver è quella di non esaurirsi in questa direzione monotematica ma inserire, su una base comunque collegata al genere e alle sue dicotomie (polizia di stato/federali, polizia/stampa, killer furbo/killer stupido, tencologie/istinto, ecc.), un buon numero di svolte e di diversivi che danno dignità anche a un libro “di genere” come indubbiamente è questo.
—Ubik 2.0

Gripping and gut-wrenchingly scary, Jeffery Deaver, author of the ever-popular Lincoln Rhyme novels, delivers the goods in his powerful standalone, A MAIDEN'S GRAVE.Fierce and utterly terrifying, small children, ranging from seven to fourteen, are helpless and vulnerable as they are held hostage in an abounded slaughterhouse by gun-wielding mad men. Bear, Stout and Brutus.Even the parts that may slow the pace of the story, scenes between federal, state and local officers, (Art Potter, Dean Stillwell, Dan Tremain) bantering back and forth at one other, or when one of the children's daydream pulls her out of her horrific ordeals and foul-smelling surroundings, were riveting to read nonetheless.It did not bother me that those scenes were played out on occasion. It was a reprieve from all the ghastly circumstances in which those innocent children have to endure, along with their teachers. The ending will jar even the most squeamish. This is Deaver at his most compelling. One of his best standalone novels, along the lines of ""Praying for Sleep", The Blue Nowhere" and The's Devil's Teardrop.""A Maiden's Grave" may not be for everyone, given the bleak material Deaver weaves into the story. But hungry-devoted Deaver fans will devour it.
—Thomas Bruso

Good book rates probably 3.5....was a bit concerned about a 419 page book about basically a hostage negotiation situation but was pleasantly surprised, it was a page turner at times and dragged a bit at other times. A couple of things I didn't care for were Melanie's happy place music room with the imagined character L'eppe for Potter, or the romantic vibe btw Melanie and Potter, could of done without that weirdness...also it seemed easy for the hostages to escape, you would think after the first two escaped the captors would keep better track of the remaining hostages. Character development was good and I was amazed at how challenging it had to be to write a book show casing the nuances of being deaf. He seemed to have done his research and managed to teach me a few things about the deaf population in the process. Lastly, if Deaver was going for loathsome, discusting, bottom of the barrel etc, etc HT's characters...he succeeded in spades.....would read another book by this author.

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