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A Magharna (2011)

A Magharna (2011)

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About book A Magharna (2011)

A touching and beautiful story of a young glass-designer getting her recognition through a civil unrest in a semi-idyllic world representing class distinction and other social wrongs, just as the real world. I enjoyed the fine artistic sensibility interpreted as almost magical. Beauty is a necessary ingredient for culture in an otherwise bestial society, and this is the message in the tale. The story is told dramatically, with a fine touch. Rain is a glassmaker from Holt who finds herself in Magharna to work on their glass windows with her cousin because that is her huge secret.. that a woman is actually behind all those pretty windows. It just felt a little anti-climatic for all the chaos the country was thrown into, it felt like very little was happening and it did seem a little contrived. I couldn't really follow the trajectory of their romance, it felt shallow - Peri falls in love with her at first sight and she when he first kisses her? I don't know, I'd preferred to have more development on that front, but when you have romance, fugitives, and a country to save to fill up a mere 316 pages, I suppose Golding has done a passable job

Do You like book A Magharna (2011)?

I love this booka and julia golding you have to read her books i'd read the cat royal series

This started out really slow, like Dragonfly, but once I got into the story I loved it.

loved this book~~ i really like the romance and her character is so nice~

tags: glass makers, corrupt nation, falcon, class status, reformation

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