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A Is For Activist (2012)

A is for Activist (2012)

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4.56 of 5 Votes: 2
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0988344890 (ISBN13: 9780988344891)
Kupu Kupu Press

About book A Is For Activist (2012)

I think giving this book two stars was a little too generous. The author of the book claims the goal is to teach young children the alphabet while introducing concepts of freedom and standing for a cause. However this seems like an unrealistic goal, because how is a child who is still learning the alphabet going to understand the political ideology that is clearly present in this book. The book does have interesting drawings that the reader may focus on, but I think this book introduces topics too complicated for its intended audience that detracts from the educational value of the book. I've come home from work to catch my father-in-law brainwashing my kids with Fox News playing on TV so it's nice to finally be able to combat that nonsense with an over-the-top left-leaning screed like this alphabet book. And while most of the words and concepts went over my kids' 4-year old heads I found it inspiring me to start my own "Occupy" type of event. (Then I remembered I'm lazy and protests are for the youth still living at home with their parents.)

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Awesome, beautiful, and fun! Big congrats to Inno for getting this marvelous book made.

I honestly don't know what to think about this one. Need to think on it for a while.

Vapid and vacuos content!


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