Another really cool adventure with Remy (Remiel) Chandler! This book centers around what would happen if the Garden of Eden had come back to the World, and the "First Man," Adam. Centered around the "Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve" (a nod, IMO, to "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" series by C.S. Lewis) and the rift between them as the progenitors of the Fall of Man and the Expulsion from the Garden. But what if it came back? This is a great read, with just a 'teensy' little drzg, but awesome nonetheless. Recommended. Even though I have read the series completely out of order, this books surprises me every time. I particular loved this book in the series of the suspense and plot. I could guess better at what was to come before the event occurred. The characters were well developed and I truly hope that the author keeps writing more. **The ending*** The Son of Adam and Daughter of Eve were left on the Garden of Eden to help the corrupted new species from escaping the garden. Mulville the cop is the hospital after seeing the true angelic world of Remi's. Remi is with Linda and they kiss in the end.
Do You like book A Hundred Words For Hate (2011)?
Best Remy Chandler yet! Until next time!