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A Guy's Secret Guide To Fifty Shades Of Grey (2012)

A Guy's Secret Guide to Fifty Shades of Grey (2012)

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About book A Guy's Secret Guide To Fifty Shades Of Grey (2012)

I laughed and laughed and laughed! And very loudly! My husband thought I was on the phone to a girlfriend because all he could hear was my cackling!Oh, thank god I didn't pick this one up at the airport bookstore because that would have been just plain awkward reading this on a plane...I'd've had no consideration for my fellow passengers!I cringed reading "the" book, but was determined to read all three of them as I hate having unread books on my shelf... So I related to it all..GOLD!Fave bit 1) women are reduced to a jell-o-like pile of estrogen if you sling that bag over your shoulder. Be careful if you have anything heavy, like a hammer.Fave bit 2) now most of you probably don't own a helicopter, but you could just say something like, "oh crap, my helicopter is being serviced, so we'll have to take the Taurus"Fave bit 3) Wikipedia's description of 'submissive'..Ana is a slow reader..Oh Gawd! There are just too too many to list really.. The last time I laughed uncontrollably while reading.. It was Tucker Max... And quite possibly David Thorne! This quick read is full of laughs. I started reading "50 Shades of Grey," but barely made it through half of the book, as the writing was repetitive and terrible. When I found Tom's book, I knew I had to read it, because I had finally found someone that agreed with me. He easily captures exactly how I felt stumbling through "50 Shades," and he puts a humorous spin on our shared anger at ourselves for wasting the time on such banal writing. I'm not ashamed to admit that I like a well-written piece of erotica as much as the next woman, but I honestly found more joy in this send-up than I did in the original book. Thanks for the laughs, Tom !

Do You like book A Guy's Secret Guide To Fifty Shades Of Grey (2012)?

Absolutely hilarious, especially if you've read 50 shades. Cried laughing!

Too funny. I loved fifty shades but having to laugh about it is good too..

It would be nice if I could FIND the dadgummed book so I can read it!!


Too funny!

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