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A God Who Hates: The Courageous Woman Who Inflamed The Muslim World Speaks Out Against The Evils Of Islam (2009)

A God Who Hates: The Courageous Woman Who Inflamed the Muslim World Speaks Out Against the Evils of Islam (2009)

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0312538359 (ISBN13: 9780312538354)
St. Martin's Press

About book A God Who Hates: The Courageous Woman Who Inflamed The Muslim World Speaks Out Against The Evils Of Islam (2009)

Wow, would I ever love to have a long chat with this remarkable woman. I even watched some youtube videos of Wafa confronting some (very proud) Muslim men about their opinions. I'm very glad she gave us this book to examine - it ought to make a few million people very irate.The big problem I have with Wafa's stance is: She claims to know who the enemy of freedom is - but what is the full source of her FREEDOM and goodness? This book attempts to reveal the evil and oppression of Islam but Wafa has no understanding of love and morality. I honestly think she assumes that if you remove the badguys you get left with only goodguys by default. But history is filled with thousands of years of non-Islamic corruption and abuse. How does that fit into her utopia? I believe there is an answer....So can we trust everything Wafa claims is fact? Well, after personally chatting with Muslims from all over the world (for the last few years) I can easily say she understands Islam and Muslims very accurately. Sure there are wonderful, kind, loving Muslims who desire peace and prosperity - these folks are known as lazy rebellious liberal Muslims who don't spend alot of time reflecting on their religion. Some call these people MODERATE Muslims, but that is only a matter of convenience and time. This is the problem I have with all religions: what is their ENDGAME? What happens when these beliefs and worldviews rise to dominance and military might? How does their core source of values affect the rest of us? WELL - The Quran is very clear about that. People should carefully do this with all belief systems. For instance: What would the world look like if certain groups got their way... imagine;An atheistic world with No real rules or source of morality. An Islamic world with only Islamic views accepted as reasonable.A Buddhist world with everyone fending for their own cosmic enlightenment.A HIndu world with the caste system dominating all areas of life and potential.I bring all this up to delve further into Wafa's American freedoms that she so appreciates. What is the source of this freedom? And the next big question: When has this freedom gone too far? Is there a middle ground and balance? Yes, there is. That balance is the Bible and Christianity. Wafa even hints at this without fully understanding it. What is the alternative to a god who hates??? It's a God who loves and protects. You can't have love without justice and purpose. And a universe without God is basically meaningless and just a useless blip of existence where anything truly goes - even the most horrific evils are just variety: One mans prostitute is another mans daughter/mother/sister.I just finished reading the entire Quran. All the danger that this author warns about is clearly in its pages. From Heavenly prostitutes (houris) to a society that tolerates men having 4 wives. The Quran only mentions 1 woman by name (that would be Mary, the mother of Jesus)... compare this to the Bible which mentions 100's of women and their significant roles in directing and saving God's creation from insanity. It is easy to see how terrorists cheerish the Quran and it's teachings. Final comment:I will forever remember how Wafa shows us the bully of Islam; It is like an Ogre that causes people to fear from within. "To each person I appear as big as his fear. And as long as they refuse to approach and confront me they will never know my true size."Yes, Islam is an ugly Ogre that must be confronted exactly for what it is. Wafa has shown us this. I applaud you for your efforts. ==Presenting a god who commits followers to a dessert of despair==Wafa Sultan is one of the world’s most influential and outspoken women, having great courage to reveal her candid opinions about Islam, and especially how most women and girls are unjustly—even inhumanely—treated in Moslim culture. Her main contentions focus on Islam’s founder, Mohammad, whom she regards as a warrior and plunderer who lacked the meritorious spiritual qualities required to act as a mentor for today's Arabs. She recites numerous examples from the Koran and Islamic writings, purportedly dictated by God through Muhammad, of his actions and sayings as recorded by his followers, which give weight to her argument that Islam is a religion of fear, suppression, intolerance, suspicion, abuse and murder. Having been raised a Moslim in Syria where she lived until emigrating to the U.S. at age thirty-three, she would seem to have the qualifications and experience to provide true insight on Islam.Liberal Christians, Unitarians, New Agers, universalists and the politically correct have long touted the auspicious truism that all religions are founded on the “do unto others” axiom; hopefully, they keep insisting, believing the aphorism “say something often enough and it becomes true.” Sultan challenges modern liberal humanitarians, politicians, academics and positivists to examine the stark facts about Islam literally, historically and culturally. After doing so can they in good conscience include Islam as a being a valid benevolent, moral and peace-loving religious organism that can contribute to mankind’s enlightenment, progress and democratic stability? This is perhaps a challenge which can only be given by an Arab Moslim to those who have not been raised in close contact with that culture. Clearly and emphatically she remonstrates that Islam is unworthy of being held high as a valid doctrine for mankind and should not be put on an equal footing with other world religions. “Our Muslim societies are governed by a religious law that imposes itself by force and relies on fear as a means of perpetuating and protecting itself. Islam, as I have already emphasized, was born in an arid and desolate environment where people had to struggle to survive. It adopted the customs of that environment and that era, absorbed them, and then refused to allow them to change with the times.” (pp 204-5)This book can be an eye opener to the uneducated and naïve about the depths of Islamism’s depravities and it reveals numerous detestable literary citations. However, everything is not as monochromatic in this world as Sultan presents it. There are millions of “reformed” and peace-loving Moslims and I know some of them. For example, the Shia Ismailis, residing in nearly thirty countries, allow several layers of meaning in interpreting the Koran which offer nuances that are adaptable to modern times. An excerpt from the [...] website: “Bridge-building between cultures and religions through dialogue and cooperation is an important means to promote a peaceful and humanistic society. In September, the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon played host to a lecture that was part of the UN Alliance of Civilizations Summer School programme.”In order to claim validity for our age religions must show themselves to be living organisms willing to make progressive steps both in the spiritual as well as the material realms. Those religious branches and individuals who hold to outmoded doctrines—especially the fear-mongering and violent ones—will sadly continue to be part of the problem, not the solution.

Do You like book A God Who Hates: The Courageous Woman Who Inflamed The Muslim World Speaks Out Against The Evils Of Islam (2009)?

Fascinating to learn and look into the Islamic religion and wonder how the world does not see this.

the study of Islam by a Muslim woman doctor in a psychological manner

Written by a brave woman. A must read for the politically correct.

I am about 50 pages from reading. This one is a keeper.

Extremely educational!

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