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A Fragile Love (2013)

A Fragile Love (2013)

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M/M Romance Group @ goodreads

About book A Fragile Love (2013)

rating: 2/5review: I downloaded a whole ton of free m/m romance written for the M/M Romance GR group Love Has No Boundaries promotion onto my Kindle and now I am getting through it during my breaks in the day. Maybe I should have read the summaries before I started reading but romance seems to be a hit or miss for me. This one was a miss. Here we have an established relationship going through a rough patch. It is supposed to be about the little things in life getting in the way of what is really important. It sounds lovely but I was just bored. It is not a bad story, many have enjoyed it but I just couldn't come to care for either of them or about their relationship. Another wonderful contribution to the LHNB event.I like stories with established couples, because mostly the book ends with the HEA, but it's the After part of that , that I like reading about.These two love each other, a lot, but life, job, time constraints ..etc have caused a riff to start, unfortunately it took something drastic to wake them up to what they might be losing.This was a really sweet, romantic and smexy read.

Do You like book A Fragile Love (2013)?

Sweet read with HEA. This one wasn't my cup of tea.

A heartfelt and sweet story.

No real issues. Boring. =w=

3.5 out of 5

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