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A Dark Road (2013)

A Dark Road (2013)

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3.96 of 5 Votes: 5
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Limitless Publishing

About book A Dark Road (2013)

This book was dark and sad but different. It was dark because it touched on some nasty things. Emotional abuse and neglect from a parent. Making and selling drugs. Addiction to meth. And some serious depression from both of the main characters. I liked that the dark and gritty aspects were different and weren't just a copy of pre-existing stories with different details. The only reason I did not rate this higher is the wording often left me confused. I would have to go back and re-read certain parts before they made sense. Also there is a fine line in dark reads where it becomes too much for me. In this book it was the level of depression and self-hatred McKay had. I understand the why and felt he was justified...but it was so sad. I figured about halfway through this would not end well. It just wouldn't fit, but I need a HEA! I did enjoy this book however I found it to be really sad. Hadley was just sad all the time and lonely but we never really understand why. Her family seemed pretty great and I loved Simon. James, of good lord that poor sad kid. What an awful life and a waste of his genius. The ending killed me. I did not see that coming at all. I thought reform and a hea but oh was I wrong!!! Overall I did enjoy the book but I felt like I was left wondering a lot.

Do You like book A Dark Road (2013)?

This sounds so good I'm going to have to move it up on my list. I hear some pretty awesome things.

I HATED THE ENDING!!!!but other than that it was a cool book:)

Very good book. Ending was not what I expected.

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