Do You like book A Chama De Sevenwaters (2013)?
And let the tears flow! The book ended just the way I was rooting for since the main characters were introduced, but my heart is filled with a bittersweet felling for this is goodbye to Sevenwaters.I loved Maeve, she is a character that comes forth into the story as a scared and flawed main character, deeply wounded by more than fire she has learnt to fight of cruel remarks and a dark future. As a reader I couldn't help but care for her, she is not naturally strong and fearless, she has to struggle each step of the way like any human being and that's what I love about J.M. characters they feel real. Reading one of her books is opening a window to this otherworld where things unfold right before your eyes, like the fine tales her characters speak off, you can't help but feel they're real, no matter how fantastic they seem. [spoilers ahead]I must say my biggest fear was that some magic creature would turn Maeve's hands right by the end of the book, like she says latter on, it would be too easy and deep down I knew J.M. wouldn't do it but after reading enough books it comes natural to me to always suspect a writer will ruin a great story with a too perfect and unreal happy ending. But no such thing from Marillier's book's, you get real human emotions and raw consequences. A roller-coaster of emotions.It's funny how a reader stars to know a writer, the appearance of the dogs was oddly familiar with a certain frog and I shipped Bear and Maeve way to early to be sure my guts were right.And Luachan... if I had read this book before I saw Frozen he might have surprised me, but knowing that a cheap love triangle was unlikely, the Hans moment was just around the corner. If a seer doesn't trust a man a man is not to be trusted, I learned that from Sibeal.Ciarán is heartbreak incarnate, that man chips away a piece of my heart each time he appears. Fimbar is a book ready to be writen. I want to see him get his happy ending as Sevenwaters chieftain. But I guess this is farewell to Sevenwaters.At least for now.
and the out of this world tale continues to unravel and surprise us, the readers by its complexity, magic and wonder!! book 7 of the series ends for me but i am sure that juliet marillier will keep on weaving her wonderful tale with many new books still maybe to be written or being written as i write this!! hope so as i cannot imagine starting a completely new book leaving the wonderful strong characters of the sevenwaters family behind!!
I hope this isn't her last ... have loved all of them
Loved it.