Me encanto.Esta muy ligerito pero entretenido. Amo cuando los hombres se rinden al amor y se vuelven todos tiernos. Reí, suspire, angustie, casi llore, en fin, me encanto!-Dios esta tratando de decirte algo. No permitirá que el bebé nazca hasta que nos casemos.-¡Vete al infierno!- gritó ella cuando la contracción alcanzó una ferviente cresta de dolor. I loved it. The friendship between Lil and Trevor was undeniably there and they are comfortable with each other. But the passion and love they have for each other is hidden until Lil decides she wants to become a mother and needs a surogate. Trevor volenteers not knowing how it will change the way they feel about each other and denying that what they did brought their love to a whole new level. I loved their banter and their obvious love. They fell into the role of couple pretty quickly and easily but once the job was done there was an awkwardness that wasnt anywhere near the realationship they had before. Neither one wanting to admit what they really want from each other. beautiful story and worth another read.
Do You like book A Bitter Pill (2007)?
No es la gran cosa pero es bueno. No es inocente así que no lo lea cualquiera (?)
Otro de esos que se no recordaba que leí. No estuvo mal.*Rueda poquito los ojos*