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9787505612037 (2008)

9787505612037 (2008)

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4.01 of 5 Votes: 5
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Beijing Shi : Lian huan hua chu ban she, 2010

About book 9787505612037 (2008)

Leaf is a nearly wordless book--more sound effects then words--about a small child who escapes to nature rather than have his hair cut. A seed falls in his hair and a leaf grows out, he has nightmares about the terrible things that could happen to it, and eventually he has his hair cut off along with the leaf growing. He rescues it, and along with his dog they plant the tree. Than over time they watch it grow. Cute and simple. Told through illustrations (and the occasional written "sound effect"), "Leaf" reveals the surprising and delightful consequences of a little boy who runs outside to escape getting a haircut. The ending made me smile and one of the "morals" of the story could be that sometimes something you fear leads to something you love. Though I wasn't quite as captivated by this title as I was by King's excellent "Mutt Dog" this is still a pleasant story and one I would recommend to King's fans.

Do You like book 9787505612037 (2008)?

A clever little story. A fun one to read to your child if he doesn't want to have his hair cut.:-)

... this gets a review from me simply for being the opposite of The Giving Tree.

A whimsical, tender book that children can identify with.

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