About book 52 Things Kids Need From A Mom: What Mothers Can Do To Make A Lifelong Difference (2011)
I was looking forward to this book because as a mother of 7 wonderful kids I know that no matter how hard I try there is always more I can do. I do feel spread awful thin sometimes and know that I can't always give each of my kids individually what they need from me. I love the way Angela lays this book out. She has 52 wonderful topics and ideas that give me as a parent something to shoot for. Some of them affirm me that I am doing something right. Some of them give me some great ideas to work on. None of them made me feel condemnation for not being perfect. This book is an excellent way to take one chapter a week and work on the little things that can make a big difference in your children's life. Excellent book! I’m always one for improving on my mothering skills and with this book I’ve gotten some ideas for how to make some things more special and create memories in my children as they grow. The author knows that moms aren’t going to do all 52 ideas and that is fine, and some I couldn’t see myself agreeing with, but the others are so right on. Like to pray with the door open, the idea of this is that even though the children will come in and use you as a human jungle gym keep on praying and let them know you are praying so that they have that modeled for them.Even though I mentioned there are things I didn’t agree with in actuality it was really only two things and both are on a realistic level, my husband and I can’t take a date night every week, it’s not feasible. Nor do we feel the need to do this, yes, there are times the children stay a few hours with their Grandparents and it’s a nice time between my husband and I but we don’t need it every week and I don’t think my children are missing out since we don’t. Otherwise this book has lots of ideas like keeping a family blog, treat their friends like family, to miss a few things that they mess up, make a big deal out of God and more.If you’d like to know more about ideas on being a more intentional (I seem to be using that phrase a lot lately) parent then this book may just be the place to get you started. The chapter on the phone really hit home, since I do reviews, schedule field trips, and am appointment maker extraordinaire I’m on the phone and compute a lot but I’ve been in the process of rethinking how to schedule my day so I’m not on the computer or phone as much during their waking hours, during school, etc.**Special thanks to Karri James | Marketing Assistant | Harvest House Publishers for sending me a review copy.
Do You like book 52 Things Kids Need From A Mom: What Mothers Can Do To Make A Lifelong Difference (2011)?
52 very thought provoking and well written things. This should be a must read for moms.
Loved this!! Some things I do, some I do sometimes, and some I need to work on.
Simple and easy to understand. Encourages me to keep improving as a mom!
Has some really good suggestions on how to be a better mom.