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3mph The Adventures Of One Woman's Walk Around The World (2000)

3mph The Adventures of One Woman's Walk Around the World (2000)

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About book 3mph The Adventures Of One Woman's Walk Around The World (2000)

I couldn't help compare Polly's walk to Cheryl Strayed's book "Wild", which came out earlier this year, since both women journey on their own walks for personal reasons. Polly, however, is delightfully humorous and I enjoyed her story telling which kept me smiling most of the time. Yet her book loses momentum about half way through and it feels as though her excitement and enthusiasm grows listless with each passing day until she arrives back stateside. Wonderful book detailing the 5 year journey around the world. Good companion to Kunst's book about his 1974 walk. Twenty years later Letofsky agrees with Kunst - it is good to be an American. I remember Kunst's return in 1974 and how we was portrayed as sort of a ugly American as he described his trip to reporters. He was much impressed with the ignorance and wrong headedness of many he met on his journey. I think Letofsky in an odd way, twenty years later, probably agrees with Kunst.

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What a wonderfully inspiring and honest story. Definitely recommend this one!

I love love love this book. =)


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