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101 Things You Thought You Knew About The Titanic . . . But Didn't! (2011)

101 Things You Thought You Knew About the Titanic . . . but Didn't! (2011)

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0143119095 (ISBN13: 9780143119098)
Penguin Books

About book 101 Things You Thought You Knew About The Titanic . . . But Didn't! (2011)

I've become quite the fan of Tim Maltin's work regarding the Titanic, and this book is no exception. It is well-researched and well-presented, and both debunks well-perpetuated legends and gives evidence for little-discussed fact. It is my opinion that any Titaniac interested in sorting the truth from the exaggeration should read Maltin's work, and I hope to purchase my own copy so I don't have to deprive anyone else of the book by checking it out from the library every other week. Not for me101 Things I didn't really want to know It was the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic ... and I thought there might be some interesting trivia ... but this was one for Titanic philes ... a lot of humdrum information with excerpts from the inquiries. And maybe giving it the cutesy title meant that he had to think up 101 things so there was a bit of repetition that didn't add anything to the interest level.The good thing about it was that the information was arranged under bold headings styled as questions. This made skimming really easy ... just flip though to the next question. And the questions were answered firstly with a Yes/No before the more detailed trivial minutiae that followed.

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Some of the facts were interesting, others not so much.

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