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101 Things To Learn In Art School (2011)

101 Things to Learn in Art School (2011)

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0262016214 (ISBN13: 9780262016216)
MIT Press (MA)

About book 101 Things To Learn In Art School (2011)

A very interesting little book, conveying 101 ideas about art and about being an artist - each with a statement, a paragraph, and a drawing. I read it through from cover to cover over a number of days, and anticipate that I'll be going back to browse randomly every now and then.Some of these things will provide insight to any art-lover, some are broadly applicable to any creative (including those of us who work with words), some went right over my head (for now, at least). Plenty of food for thought! #4 Art is the product of process.Whether conceptual, experimental, emotional, or formal, the process you develop yields the image you produce. The materials you choose, the methods of production, and the sources of the images should all reflect the interests that command your attention. The process does not stop with each work completed. It is ongoing. The cumulative result of that process is a body of work.#28 An idea is only as good as its execution.It is important that you master your medium. Poorly made work will either ruin a good idea or make the lamentable execution itself the subject. Overly finessed technique can mask a lack of content or can smother an image. At the same time, roughness and imprecision has it's place in rendering. One can only gauge the need to throw technique away if one has first achieved the mastery of it

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I would memorize the entirety of this if I could101 nuggets of wisdom

An inspiring read with few valuable observations.

Summaries what I needed to know about art.

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