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1000 Ideas For Creative Reuse: Remake, Restyle, Recycle, Renew (2009)

1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse: Remake, Restyle, Recycle, Renew (2009)

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3.52 of 5 Votes: 1
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1592535402 (ISBN13: 9781592535408)
Quarry Books

About book 1000 Ideas For Creative Reuse: Remake, Restyle, Recycle, Renew (2009)

This is NOT a how-to book, so you need some knowledge of materials and methods if you want to make any of the projects shown, or refer to instructions elsewhere. That said, this book is simply amazing. It ranges from simple coasters made of album covers to elaborate art pieces requiring metalworking skills and everything in between. It features sections on paper crafting, couture and soft goods, jewelry and adornments, geek craft and "man craft" (???), housewares and furnishings, and art and installations. Besides providing tons of inspiration for projects, it is just plain fun to look at. I was very disappointed with this book! The title was exactly what the book was... ideas for creative reuse... but unfortunately there were no descriptions on materials or methods used! This pic is just 1000 pictures of (albeit fantastic)"Creative reuse" I would reccomend this to experienced mixed media artists and craftsters, but not to anyone who wants to learn how to actually do this type of art.

Do You like book 1000 Ideas For Creative Reuse: Remake, Restyle, Recycle, Renew (2009)?

This is mainly a picture book but it will help when you need to get your creativity going again.

Very inspirational. All pictures, no instructions, but some amazing projects!

Banyak sekali gambar membuat saya lebih cepat menyelesaikan buku ini (lol) :D

Great book creative ideas on everyday recycled used items awesome fun items.

Amazing book, gorgeous creations!

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