This book was disturbing - as it was meant to be - but beautifully written. Some books are disturbing in a good "ax to a frozen sea" way -- this is just bloody disturbing.
Depois de ser completamente desencorajado pelos seus editores, Henry, um escritor que acreditava piamente no sucesso do seu livro sobre o Holocausto, desiste do projecto e muda-se para outra cidade onde começa uma nova vida. Porem, continua a receber cartas de todo o tipo dos seus leitores, e uma...
Yikes. Weird and dark. I have never heard a pear described as beautifully as in this book. Eloquent. Engrossing.
هي رواية للأديب الكندي "يان مارتل", وحصدت جائزة "Man Booker" الأدبية في عام 2002؛ وهي جائزة ذات مستوى عالي تُقدَّم سنوياً لأفضل رواية كتبت باللغة الإنجليزية لأديب من دول الكومنولث أو من الجمهورية الأيرلندية, ترجمة لأربعين لغة وإلى العربية عام 2006مقدمة الكتاب تخبرنا عن سر النهاية لو كنت أعلم لقرأ...
I can only assume that part of the reason this book has such a low rating is the outraged fans of Life of Pi, who, probably confused by Ang Lee’s pretty movie, remember that story as a cute fairytale about a kid and a tiger in a boat and are still high on fairytale dust. Oh, shocker! Yann Martel...