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William Weaver

William Weaver
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Books by William Weaver


If on a Winter's Night a Traveler (1982)

Previously Unpublished Manuscript #1Who am I? Who is I? Who is the I?Unlike my friends and colleagues, Professors Calvino and Galligani, I intend to tell you my name and perhaps to reveal something of my modus operandi (soon, too).This one sentence might already have supplied enough information o...

If on a Winter's Night a Traveler (1982) by William Weaver

Invisible Cities (1974)

After sunset, on the terraces of the palace, Marco Polo expounded to the sovereign the results of his missions. As a rule the Great Khan concluded his day savoring these tales with half-closed eyes until his first yawn was the signal for the suite of pages to light the flames that guided the mona...

Invisible Cities (1974) by William Weaver

The Watcher and Other Stories (1975)

Calvino’s three short stories ‘The Watcher’, ‘Smog’ & ‘The Argentine Ant’ are easily digestible, imaginative and brilliant. I have heard that these stories do not show Calvino at his best and this makes me feel excited about his other work and also terribly humbled. I must read more Calvino. "...

The Watcher and Other Stories (1975) by William Weaver

Under the Jaguar Sun (1990)

Under the Jaguar Sun is Calvino’s exploration of our senses; sensuous and salacious, Calvino is able to render even the most mundane of smells into something magical, our tongue and mouth become receptacles to the most titillating of flavours and the silver cadence of a woman’s voice is transform...

Under the Jaguar Sun (1990) by William Weaver

Zeno's Conscience (2003)

Zeno's Conscience became an immediate favorite of mine. Zeno is witty, self-deprecating, sly, ironically ignorant of himself, but at glimpses he is a man of self-reflecting genius. Zeno and Leopold Bloom share their origins in Svevo himself, and the classical "everyman" is well-crafted in both of...

Zeno's Conscience (2003) by William Weaver

Boredom (2004)

أحيانا ً تصبح الحياة هي الوهم الأخير الذي يجب علينا أن نتخلى عنه من أجل الحياة ! كيف !!!!لا أعرف ، الإجابة على سؤال ملتبس يحتاج عمرا ً كاملا ً ، و التفكير في حياة ملتبسة يحتاج الحديث عما عايشه الإنسان في حياته أكثر من مرة ، ربما كان هنا حدث ٌ بسيط ، حدث ٌ تافه ، قادر على التغيير في صياغة أحداثنا ...

Boredom (2004) by William Weaver

That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana (2007)

Ce vulisse uno caa stentorea boce der buce in fez che me sbraitasse dinta n'orecchio: "Leggi, a disgraziato: leggi!"So' appena sciuto, agghiummolato e abbacinato, ma pe' gnente allettato, dalla stolida computazione de' caratteri a stampa su carta - e pure cartaccia de stracci de quelli usati daa ...

That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana (2007) by William Weaver

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