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William Sleator

William Sleator
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Books by William Sleator


Blackbriar (1975)

You know that old sci-fi or supernatural novel you checked out from the library when you were a kid? You've forgotten the title and the author, but you remember the 80s-tastic cover almost clearly... you remember there were these two kids, a boy and a girl, and... and it was thrilling, and it's h...

Blackbriar (1975) by William Sleator

The Spirit House (1993)

Julie thinks the new Thai exchange student is going to turn out to be a drag. He's nothing like her, has nerdy interests, and looks like a dork in his photo. But when he gets there, he actually looks a lot hotter in person, seems to have no interest in math, and actually wants to socialize with J...

The Spirit House (1993) by William Sleator

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