Smooth, intelligent, engaging...a most worthy whodunit of a gentler nature. No F-bombs or brain splatter to dodge. Protagonist Brady Coyne is a bright level-headed lawyer with low key style and intrinsic truth seeking skills. A very likeable guy who seems like your best bud. Yes, "Outwitti...
CLOSE TO THE BONE (Legal Thriller-Brandy Coyne-Boston-Cont) - VGTapply, William G. – 14th in seriesSt. Martin’s Press, 1996, US Hardcover – ISBN: 0312145675First Sentence: Julie keeps telling me I’ll never be a proper lawyer if I keep driving out to the suburbs to meet my clients at their homes...
One in the Bardy Copyne series that I missed and am so glad I went back to pick it up and read it.Mr Tapply has some an ease, in the way he writes/talks that you almost forget you are flipping the pages followig along in the story of Brady and his lady friend Alex. Alex, a writer, has leased a co...
“My first thought was that a beam had fallen from the roof. The force of the blow slammed me facedown on the floor. Pain zipped into my eyes and explosions ricocheted around inside my skull . . . Before I could further analyze my prognosis . . . something heavy rammed into the small of my back an...