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Whitley Strieber

Whitley Strieber
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3.64 of 5 Votes: 3
Books: 11 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.49

Books by Whitley Strieber


The Omega Point (2010)

I agree with Kevin, this book was almost a put down and that has happened 2 times to me in my entire history of knowing how to read. The idea behind it is decent except for the white magic pixie dust, the teleporting sex scene between David and Caroline (I'm sorry but how does one have a complete...

The Omega Point (2010) by Whitley Strieber

Alien Hunter (2013)

Whitley Strieber has had a long, successful and controversial career, and now the 68-year-old has embarked on a new series about policeman Flynn Carroll, who loses his young wife to an unexplained abduction and finds himself involved in strange and dangerous situations. The title of the book, “Al...

Alien Hunter (2013) by Whitley Strieber

The Wolfen (1988)

”The paw. He turned it in his hands, looking at its supple efficiency for the hundredth time. He placed it on the desk, then picked it up again and ran its claws along his cheek. It would do its job well, this paw. The long toes with their extra joints. The broad, sensitive pads. The needle-sharp...

The Wolfen (1988) by Whitley Strieber

The Forbidden Zone (1994)

This is my first review, mainly due to the fact that I am bored and just finished this book today.The plot was reminiscent of a made-for-tv movie on the sci-fi channel, but if there is a movie adaptation of this, I am thankful I have not seen it, even though it maybe would have provided some semb...

The Forbidden Zone (1994) by Whitley Strieber

Communion: A True Story (1988)

World-building inspiration fuel, as pretty much every UFO-esque book I've picked up has turned out to be. Had to read this one because I usually seek out the ones that combine the idea of fae and religion and UFOs, and I thought this was the nuts-and-bolts aliens type of book.It's not. Actually...

Communion: A True Story (1988) by Whitley Strieber

Majestic (1990)

Majestic is Whitley Strieber’s historical thriller about the events in Roswell in 1947 and the creation of the alleged secret intelligence organization called Majestic. The novel follows discredited journalist Nicholas A Duke as he dutifully, if not somewhat skeptically at first, informs the publ...

Majestic (1990) by Whitley Strieber

Lilith's Dream (2002)

(My Half-way-through review)Ahhhh, where to begin? I want to like this book. I enjoyed both of the previous books for the most part, but this one? Meh.Normally, I don't get caught up in the inconsistencies in books. I can overlook them and just enjoy the story for what it is. But I'm finding myse...

Lilith's Dream (2002) by Whitley Strieber

Billy (1990)

I found this older paperback laying around and decided to read it because the title is the same as my father’s name, Billy. I know that’s a strange reason, but that’s why I read this book. I didn’t read the quick blip on the back of the book, but quickly found that it was about a child abductio...

Billy (1990) by Whitley Strieber

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