This is the third travel memoir I've read* where an author spends time walking around the British Isles and yet, during their journey, seems to spend the majority of their time thinking about somethings, any-things, that are quite different.When this thought first occurred to me, it made me laugh...
I find the wonderful German writer W.G. Sebald so difficult to review that my treatment of his second novel, The Rings of Saturn, was no more than a long story about a trip I once made with my then partner to her home in Cornwall, during which, mostly on account of her parents, I lost my mind and...
Türkçe’deki üç romanı Satürn’ün Halkaları, Göçmenler ve Austerlitz ile, yazar olarak felsefi ve edebi gücünü bize kanıtlayan W. G Sebald’in, 2001’de henüz elli yedi yaşında ölmesi tüm yazın dünyası için erken bir kayıptır. Sebald’in izlediği ve daha önce denenmemiş bir yazın biçemi bu düşüncenin ...
Toen W.G. Sebald midden jaren negentig aan Austerlitz begon, zijn roman over de Jodenvervolging die hem wereldberoemd zou maken en die er uiteindelijk zelfs voor zorgde dat zijn naam genoemd werd in Nobelprijskringen, legde hij daar een ander project voor opzij. Hij was toen immers bezig aan een ...