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Wendell Minor

Wendell Minor
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.57

Books by Wendell Minor


How Big Could Your Pumpkin Grow? (2013)

If you want to have good vocabulary lessons, use this book. If you want to inspire HUGE imaginations, read the book to your young students, and start creating new ideas. Wendell Minor takes his painting to a different level in this pumpkin-loving book, taking us through imagining just how big a p...

How Big Could Your Pumpkin Grow? (2013) by Wendell Minor

Shane (2001)

I knew I would enjoy this book before I read it. After all, one of the best western movies of all time is based on the story. I never get tired of watching the Alan Ladd film classic directed by George Stevens, with a perfectly chosen cast. Especially noteworthy is Jack Palance, billed as Walter ...

Shane (2001) by Wendell Minor

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