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Walter Tevis

Walter Tevis
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Books by Walter Tevis


Mockingbird (1999)

My favorite speculative fiction of all time is Michael Cunningham's Specimen Days which I read back in 2012, while the very first science fiction I read was Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. I read these books only a few months apart and I was forever changed because of them and this change ha...

Mockingbird (1999) by Walter Tevis

The Man Who Fell to Earth (1999)

As a non native English speaker, I discovered the adjective 'poignant' only six years ago thanks to a Canadian friend (thanks, Vicky). She chose it to comment a photo I took involving a bowler hat hanging from a chair while an out of focus blonde girl in the background stood on her toes to take ...

The Man Who Fell to Earth (1999) by Walter Tevis

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